FRIENDS OF NYSLVLEY AND NYL FLOODPLAIN For membership applications please complete the submission form below and submit it. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP * indicates a required field Your Name: * Family Members: * Tel: Home/Work * Cell: * Email 1: * Email 2: Postal Address: * Postal Code * Membership Fee: * Donations: (Thank you) Total: * Families R450 per annum, Singles R350, Clubs and Corporates by arrangement. Banking Details: Nedbank Centurion, Branch Code: 16214500. Cheque account Number: 1621101061. Please send the proof of payment with the application form, thank you. Please tell us of any skills or contacts you may like to contribute towards our project: I/we understand that I/we attend work parties, courses and other FRIENDS OF NYLSVLEY events and Nylsvley Nature Reserve at my/our own risk/s. * Date: * [mailpoetsignup mailpoetsignup-40 mailpoet_list_1 default:on "I would like to subscribe to the Friends of Nylsvley Newsletter."] Δ AANSOEK OM LIDMAATSKAP * dui aan 'n vereiste veld Naam: * Familie Lid: * Tel: Huis/Werk * Sel: * E-Pos 1: * E-pos 2: Posadres: * Kode * Lidmaatskap Fooi: * Donasies: (Dankie) Totaal: * Gesinne R450 per jaar, Enkele persoon R350, Klubs en Maatskappye soos ooreengekom. Bank Besonderhede: Nedbank Centurion, Takkode: 16214500. Tjek rekening nommer: 1621101061. Stuur asb die bewys van betaling saam met die aansoekvorm, dankie. Vertel ons asseblief van enige vaardighede of kontakte wat jy wil bydra tot ons projek: Ek/ons verstaan dat ek/ons werk partytjies, kursusse en ander FRIENDS OF NYLSVLEY funksies by Nylsvley natuur Reservaat op eie risiko bywoon. * Datum: * [mailpoetsignup mailpoetsignup-40 mailpoet_list_1 default:on "Ek wil graag inteken op die Friends of Nylsvley Nuusbrief."] Δ